Friday, May 22, 2015

Migrating To The Cloud? Know The Vendors Termination and Data Transfer Policy!

Cloud service providers are making it simpler than ever to migrate to the cloud. However, businesses are paying too little attention to what happens should the time come to switch vendors or reverse course.
Most cloud vendors promise that businesses can decommission their cloud services at any time and take their data elsewhere. But many find out, oftentimes too late, that it's much easier and cheaper to move to a cloud provider than it is to move out, raising the risk of lock-in.
At nology, we migrate businesses from other cloud providers on a regular basis and while most are cooperative, understanding, and even helpful, we have recently run into a string of providers with policies making it extremely difficult for businesses to migrate away. As a client, it's important to review these policies before moving to the vendor and understand the pain and costs that might be associated with leaving. 

Working with my most recent project, we found the current vendor to be rude, uncooperative, and after reviewing their termination and data transfer policy extremely inflexible. I was surprised to see how restrictive the policy was and that there were substantial costs involved for the losing provider to complete tasks that we could have easily completed but were locked down. In the end, the client is going to spend about double to migrate than was originally budgeted as a result of this very one sided corporate policy. 
This example stresses why it is so important to ask the provider what their process is if you want to leave and have them provide in writing, their data transfer policy so you don't end up locked in. 
At nology, we never lock you in. We offer month to month agreements and an extremely friendly data transfer policy. We hope you never leave us, but if you decide that we are not the right fit, we will do everything we can to make your transition smooth, painless, and cost effective.
Migrate to nology (Minneapolis Cloud Hosting) without the fear of being stuck. 

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